Constantinople Model Fingerboard Ebony Body Wenge with maple fillets Soundboard Special Germany spruce Rosette Ottoman design, maple and double colour’s shells Bridge Special design with peacock and eagle Varnish...
Ball End Model Fingerboard Ebony with shells inlays Body Greek Walnut and mahogany Soundboard Special Germany spruce with Rio Rosewood-maple inlays Bridge Brazilian rosewood with nut and ball end system Rosette Tortoise Varnish...
Evros Ball End Model Fingerboard Ebony with shells inlays Body Greek walnut Soundboard Special Germany spruce with Rio Rosewood-maple inlays Bridge Brazilian rosewood with nut and ball end system Rosette Maple Varnish Mad Machine heads Rubner special...
Cyprus 2 Model Fingerboard Ebony with small shells Body Greek walnut Soundboard Sitka spruce with cherry and maple marquetry inlays Rosette Maple Varnish Natural mad Machine Leads Rubner special...
Cyprus 1 Model Fingerboard Ebony with mother of pearl inlays Body Greek Walnut (Juglans regia) Soundboard Special Germany spruce Rosette Horn with EMG pickup Varnish French polish Machine heads Rubner special...